What is WDM?
Fiber is precious – use it wisely
Fiber is an invaluable asset. No other physical medium can carry more data over greater distances. But how can you make the best use of your fiber plant? The answer is wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). WDM uses multiple wavelengths (colors of light) to transport signals over a single fiber. WDM breaks white light passing through fiber-optic cable into all the colors of the spectrum, much like light passed through a prism creates a rainbow. Every wavelength (color) carries an individual signal that does not interfere with the other wavelengths (colors). In simple terms: WDM creates virtual fibers – the best and simplest way to multiply fiber capacity.
Leveraging the bandwidth spectrum
WDM enables efficient utilization of fiber bandwidth providing a cost-effective solution for data-intensive applications.

WDM creates virtual fibers – the best and simplest way to multiply fiber capacity.
Minimize cost and fiber consumption
Fully agnostic to protocol or bit rate, WDM enables the transport of multiple and different types of services over the same fiber infrastructure, maximizing return on investment and reducing environmental impact.

High-capacity, multi-service networks
Data traffic is growing fast. WDM is crucial to address this traffic growth. Not only does it provide cost-effective transport for a diverse range of applications, it also demonstrates remarkable scalability in terms of both capacity and reach. Moreover, fully transparent to any bitrate and protocol, WDM is the natural integration layer for modern multi-service networks. This allows networks to become more manageable, operate more efficiently and transport considerably higher bandwidth over a single fiber pair. There are several types of WDM networks. Dense WDM (DWDM) provides the highest scalability and transport capacity over a single fiber or fiber pair.
Multiplying fiber capacity and reach
WDM networks can transport multiple Terabits of data per second over a single fiber pair and over thousands of miles.

Scalability, data security and ease-of-use
Our FSP 3000 is a scalable open optical transport solution based on state-of-the-art DWDM technology. With an open and modular design, it supports a wide range of services and applications, from data center interconnect (DCI) to carrier-optimized infrastructure solutions from access to core. Our FSP 3000 has been designed to develop optical transport networks that can scale and accommodate any customer needs at the lowest cost and highest operational simplicity. What’s more its built-in quantum-safe encryption protects data in motion against cyberattacks, even from quantum computers With our FSP 3000, network operators have the benefits of unparalleled scalability, ease-of-use and data security.
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