Diversity, equity and inclusion
About diversity, equity and inclusion
We believe that maintaining a diverse and inclusive workforce is critical to the success of our business. We encourage an environment where individuality is embraced regardless of age, gender, identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity and perspective and where each employee is accepted and respected and can, therefore, bring their most authentic self to work. To this end, we have established an employee-driven diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) task force to spearhead our efforts. The DE&I task force is comprised of our CFO and employee volunteers who are passionate about DE&I and how it affects our workforce.
In addition to diversity in our workforce, we seek to ensure diversity in our board of directors with respect to skills, experience, gender, race and ethnicity. Our board of directors is comprised of six members, two of whom are female and three of whom are ethnically diverse. Additionally, the board of directors has a diversity of skills and experience with respect to accounting and finance, management and leadership, vision and strategy, business operations, business judgment, crisis management, risk assessment, industry knowledge, corporate governance and global markets.
Equal opportunities
The DE&I group is working in conjunction with our human resources team to raise awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives within the company and encourage conversation with employees about where change is needed and how that change can be facilitated. Each year Adtran engages an affirmative action consultant to benchmark the company’s activities per job type. Some of the areas evaluated are pay differential by gender for similar job type, and pay differentials related to race or ethnicity.
Some of the human resources initiatives underway in this area include:
- Focusing on the applicant-to-hire process to ensure the process allows for specific recruiting with a focus on eliminating underutilization
- Planning to further educate hiring managers on new processes and requirements
- Gathering from interviewers on each interview candidate. Feedback is audited to ensure equity. Any issues are addressed with interviewers and hiring managers
- Ongoing reviews of pay equity information
- Performing automated and audited outreach
- Evaluating the effectiveness of our invitation to self-identify at both the applicant and post-offer stages
- Short-term goals include:
- Increase diversity in the high-potential pool and all levels of the succession plan
- Review compensation rewards and recognition strategies to ensure parity among hybrid workforce
- Publish and communicate affirmative action plan to senior leaders
- Implement steps in hiring policy to increase diversity in candidate pool, interviews, and hiring
- Establish regular pay equity reviews
Gender distribution
In addition to diversity in our workforce, we seek to ensure diversity in our board of directors with respect to skills, experience, gender, race and ethnicity. Our board of directors comprises six members, two of whom are females and three of whom are ethnically diverse. Additionally, the board of directors has a diversity of skills and experience with respect to accounting and finance, management and leadership, vision and strategy, business operations, business judgment, crisis management, risk assessment, industry knowledge, corporate governance and global markets.